Source code for crl.doc.rsttablecreator

import re
from lxml import etree  # pylint: disable=E0401

__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2019, Nokia'

[docs]class RstTableCreator(): """ Based on the principles of xml, creates table in rst format. Creates table in rst format basing on xml tables """ # Is used to eliminate pipes-spaces and pipe at the end of a line pipe_regex = re.compile(r'\| |\|$')
[docs] def change_robot_table_to_rst_table(self, file_path): """Summary line. Opens file with xml, searches doc nodes, changes Robot XML tables to rst tables and saves it as the same xml. Args: file_path (str): File path to the Robot XML tables Returns: Nothing """ root = etree.parse(file_path) for i in root.iter('doc'): i.text = self._change_table_to_rst_table(i.text) with open(file_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(etree.tostring(root))
def _change_table_to_rst_table(self, txt): """Summary line. Changes given text table to rst format Args: txt (str): Text to be changed Returns result_txt (str): Text in rst format """ table_content = [] result_txt = '' txt = txt.split('\n') for line in txt: if line and line[0] == '|' and line[-1] == '|': table_content.append(self._make_row(line)) else: if table_content: result_txt += self._tabulate(table_content) table_content = [] if line and (line[0] == '|' or line[-1] == '-'): result_txt += '\n\n' + line[2:] else: result_txt += '\n' + line if table_content: result_txt += self._tabulate(table_content) return result_txt + '\n' def _make_row(self, line_content): """Summary line. Takes text line and makes row for table Args: line_content (str): One line of text Returns: List representing one row of table """ splitted_line = self.pipe_regex.split(line_content) line_content = [x.strip() for x in splitted_line[1:-1]] return line_content def _tabulate(self, table): """Summary line. Makes table in rst format Args: table (list(list(str))): Table to be converted Returns: Table converted to rst format """ max_lengths = self._column_elem_max_lengths(table) border = self._make_border(max_lengths) text = '\n\n' + border for row in table: for index, elem in enumerate(row): text += elem.ljust(max_lengths[index] + 2) text = text[:-2] + '\n' return text + border + '\n' def _column_elem_max_lengths(self, table): """Summary line. Takes list of lists e.g [['aa','bb','cc'],['a','bbb','cc'], ['a','b','cccc']], Returns a tuple containing the length of the longest element in every column Example above would return: (2, 3, 4) Args: table (list(list(str))): Table from which lengths are to be obtained Returns: tuple(int) """ table = self._prepare_list(table) max_lengths = [] for column in range(len(table[0])): elem_lengths = [] for row in range(len(table)): # pylint: disable=C0200 column_elem_len = len(table[row][column]) elem_lengths.append(column_elem_len) column_max_len = max(elem_lengths) max_lengths.append(column_max_len) return tuple(max_lengths) @staticmethod def _prepare_list(row_list): """Line summary. Checks which elem is the longest Makes every elem has the same length like max Args: row_list (list(list(str))): The table Returns: tuple(list(str)): Padded lists """ max_length = len(max(row_list, key=len)) for row in row_list: padd_amount = max_length - len(row) row += [' '] * padd_amount return tuple(row_list) @staticmethod def _make_border(max_lengths): """Line summary. Makes string of correct border. Method iterates max_lengths tuple and adds to return string enough '=' Args: max_lengths (tuple(int)): Lengths of the longest element in each column of the table Returns: string: Border string """ border = '\n' space_len = 2 for length in max_lengths: border += '=' * length + ' ' * space_len return border[:-2] + '\n'