Command line interface

Documentation generator script. Documents are generated from:
  • Robot Framework built-in libraries,
  • installed Common Robot Library packages,
The ReStructuredText documentation source is generated to the following relative directories:
  • sphinxdocs/builtin : Robot Framework built-in keywords.
  • sphinxdocs/crl : Common Robot Libraries Robot Framework keyword documentation.

usage: crl_doc_generate_rst [-h] [--version] [-d {crl,builtin,api,all}]
                            [-l LIBPATH] [-r RESOURCE]

Named Arguments

--version show program’s version number and exit
-d, --docspec

Possible choices: crl, builtin, api, all

Documentation type filter usage example:

crl_doc_generate_rst -d builtin -d crl

without giving this option all types will be generated


Root paths to the directories from where files are are searched. Each configuration file must contain the following attributes:

  • section: section name for which index file and ReST files are generated
  • robotdocs: robotdocs dictionary

Example of file content:

section = ‘Example Libraries’

robotdocs = {
{‘docformat’: ‘rest’,
‘synopsis’: ‘Local example1 library’},
{‘docformat’: ‘rest’,
‘synopsis’: ‘Local example2 library’}}
-r Root paths to Robot Framework resource and test case files ending with .robot