.. copyright (C) 2019, Nokia User Guide ========== Generation of documentation with the tool ----------------------------------------- The procedure for generating the documentation is the following - Create directory *sphinxdocs*. - Install packages you like to be documented - Run the command:: # crl_doc_generate_rst (builtin, api and crl documentation) # crl_doc_generate_rst -d builtin -d crl (only builtin and crl documentation) The documentation reStructuredText source is generated under *sphinxdocs* directory in the following fashion: - *sphinxdocs/builtin*: Robot Framework built-in reStructuredText source files - *sphinxdocs/crl*: Common Robot Libraries Robot Framework keyword documentation reStructuredText source files. Generation of HTML documentation -------------------------------- Please use the following procedure to generate HTML documentation: - create Sphinx configuration *conf.py* and *index.rst* so that it links to the sources described above. - Run *sphinx-build*.